
Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sustainability at TPS

Plant observation

This term we have been learning about plants and for week 4 and 5 of this term we started doing a group experiment on plants.The experiment we were assigned to do was the one where we had two plants
and we had to put a plant in the sunlight and we put the other in the darkness.

On the 10th of August we gathered together two plastic cups, two broccoli plants and some soil.First we filled half of the cups with soil.Then we made a hole in the soil and planted the
plants.Lastly we watered both plants and put one in the sunlight and the other under a box in the darkness.

On Monday when we checked on the plants again,we found out that Daisy the plant that had been in the sunlight looked fresher and healthier than Dandelion who had been in the darkness,it had started to wilt.

On Wednesday we checked the plants again and guess what!.We were shocked to see that now Daisy is wilting even more than Dandelion!

We checked on the plants on Thursday and now almost all of Daisy’s leaves are wilted or dry.What's happened to her! But on the other hand Dandelion seems to be perfectly fine, except for some dry leaves.

In the end I was right.Both plants died and I think that if we had watered the plants more often and given Daisy a little less sunlight, they both would have survived.I felt kind of sad and disappointed that the plants died.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

observation day 3

  1. The plants were left for another day and now almost all of Daisy leaves are wilting or dry what's happening to her but...on the other hand Dandelion seems to be perfectly fine but i wonder why.Dandelions leaves though are becoming dry though.I think both plants will soon die!.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

plant observation Day 2

  1. We left the plants alone for another two day and guess what Daisy is now wilting even more then Dandelion and Dandelion looks fine but she would look better if she had got a bit of sunlight. Both of the plants leaves are becoming a little bit light.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Day 1 Observation

Observations (What happened?  What changed?  How?):

  1. We left the plants for two days on their own and when we checked on them on Monday we found out that Daisy who got lots of sunshine looked healthier and fresher and Dandylion was covered with a box and got no sunshine has began to wilt.
Conclusions (What were the findings?):
Reflection (Was your hypothesis right or wrong?  What future questions do you have?) I think that in the future the plant with sunlight will look stronger and healthier and the plant with no sunlight will completely wilt and bare nothing.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Basic facts scores for the past 3 weeks

      These are my fact scores for the past three weeks my goal for next  week is to score over 90

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

My fractions

                                                               Guess what shapes these are?

Alphabet book Week 4 Term 3